Occupational Therapy Red Flags
Birth- 2 years of age
Not looking at caregivers face or making eye contact
Not reaching or grasping for toys
Not bringing toys to mouth
No visual tracking (not watching people or toys move)
Does not search for hidden objects (by 10-12 months)
Not using gestures (waving, clapping, shaking head)
Crawling in an abnormal pattern (army crawling, scooting, etc.)
Showing a strong hand preference, lack of use of the other hand
Not reaching across the center of the body
Not feeding self (finger feeding or beginning of utensil use)
No finger isolation while pointing (by 1 year)
Not displaying “showing/sharing” behaviors (looking for affirmation or attention from caregivers)
Poor self-soothing
Unable to engage in cause/effect play
3- 5 years of age
Not engaging in pretend play
Still using a fisted grasp (whole hand grasp)
Shows no hand preference
Either always moving or always sedentary
Difficulty expressing emotions
Excessive drooling
Extreme difficulty separating from caregivers
Not engaging or playing with peers
Cannot stack blocks into a tower
Cannot ride a tricycle
Resists dressing, using the toilet, sleeping
Difficulty with transitions
Throwing tantrums that are more significant in severity and duration than peers
Overly sensitive or avoidant of grooming and bathing tasks (bathing, teeth brushing, hair brushing, haircuts, nail trimming, etc.)
6-8 years of age
Falling behind academically
Difficulty with sustaining attention at school or while completing homework
Poor/messy handwriting
Difficulty coloring within the lines
Difficulty using scissors
Poor organizational skills (forgetting to turn in homework, messy desks and/or backpack)
Unable to tie shoes
Unable to zipper, button or snap
Unable to cut food with a knife and fork
Needing assistance for dressing, grooming or bathing tasks
Difficulty with making and sustaining friendships
Not engaging in collaborative play with other
Difficulty with sharing and taking turns
Difficulty with following rules of sports games or board games
Difficulty coping with losing games or competitions
Difficulty with self-entertaining
Unable to ride a 2-wheel bike
Unable to ride a 2-wheel scooter
Difficulty with jumping jacks, skipping, galloping, hopscotch
Speech Therapy Red Flags
Under 18 Months
No big smiles or other warm, joyful expressions by 6 months
No reaction to sound
No imitation
Limited use of gestures
No back-and-forth sharing of sounds, smiles, or other facial expressions by 9 months
No babbling by 12 months
Does not respond to name by 12 months
No sharing/reciprocal interactions (pointing, sharing, reaching, waving) by 12 months
No pointing at objects of interest by 14 months
Does not understand simple common words like “mama” or “milk”
Is not using any words by 16 months
Does not imitate gross motor movements like clapping or stomping feet
By 18 Months
Does not use at least 8-10 meaningful words
Does not follow simple commands like “come here”, “stop”, “don’t”, “give me the ___”, or “touch your nose”
Does not follow your pointing with gaze
Is not playing “pretend” with items (talking on toy phone, feeding a doll)
Does not play in proximity to other children
2 years old
Minimal attempts to communicate with gestures or words
No first words
Difficulty following simple directions
Inconsistent response to “no”
No two-word meaningful phrases (without imitating or repeating)
Speech is not at least 50% intelligible
Cannot point to pictures of items in books when asked
3 years old
Limited use of speech (not using 3-4 word sentences)
Speech is not at least 75% or greater intelligible
Limited understanding of simple questions
Difficulty naming objects
Frustration related to communication
Leaving the beginnings or ends of most words
Cannot accurately answer yes/no questions
Cannot answer simple “Wh” questions like “who is that?” or “where is the truck?”
Does not play with other children
Is experiencing stutter behavior for more than 6 months
4-5 years old
Is not 90-100% intelligible to strangers despite age-appropriate articulation errors (may not be able to say r, sh, ch, l, or th yet)
Is not consistently using 4+ word complex sentences
Is not asking a variety of questions to gain information (who, what, where, why, and when)
Is having difficulty with grammar or pronoun use
Takes a long time to understand others
Cannot tell a simple story on topic
Cannot follow simple two step directions
Has difficulty answering simple who, what, where, and why questions
Is not yet able to name a few letters, numbers, and rhyming words
Difficulty with peer interactions
School Age
Difficulty with reading, writing, or math
Difficulty following directions or repeating sentences
Uses sentences with grammatical errors and/or limited vocabulary
Difficulty with social interactions
Physical Therapy Red Flags
0-5 months:
Limitations in neck range of motion
Always looking to 1 side/difficulty looking towards 1 side
Head tilted to one side
Unable to look up when on his/her belly
Tries to push up on arms when on belly
Little to no movement of arms and legs when excited
Unable to open/close fists
Decreased use of 1 side of his/her body
6 months
Not rolling back to belly or belly to back
Not reaching for toys
Not bearing weight through legs when supported
Very stiff or tight muscles, resistant to movement
Appears “floppy” with low muscle tone, poor head control
When laying on back, unable to grab feet with both hands
Decreased use of 1 side of his/her body
9 months
Not bearing weight through legs when supported
Cannot sit independently, poor control in trunk with sitting
Poor use of arms when independently sitting
Not crawling or not pushing up onto all 4’s
Abnormal crawling, such as scooting on bottom
Decreased use of 1 side of his/her body
12 months
Cannot sit independently
Not pulling to stand
Pulling into standing through use of stiff legs and pointed toes
Needs hands to maintain sitting balance
Not cruising the furniture
Not crawling
Decreased use of 1 side of his/her body
Walking on toes only
15 months
Not yet standing
Not yet walking
Not attempting to crawl up stairs
Unable to squat and pick up toy and return to stand
Consistently walking on toes
24 months
Difficulty walking or walking on toes
Consistent falling/unsteadiness
Does not attempt to run
Difficulty climbing/crawling on furniture
Not attempting to crawl up stairs or go up stairs with hand held
Difficulty keeping up with peers
2-3 years old
Difficulty walking
Difficulty running
Cannot jump off small step
Consistent falling/unsteadiness
Difficulty with stair negotiation skills
Requires help/support on stairs
Unable to maintain balance when attempting ball skills
Difficulty keeping up with peers
4 years old
Unable to stand on 1 leg for brief 1-2 seconds
Unable to jump in place/jump forward
Unable to kick a ball about 5 feet forward
Unable to catch a ball thrown to them
5-6 years old
Unable to skip or gallop following demonstration
Unable to stand on 1 leg for >10 seconds
Unable to catch a small ball with hands only
Unable to perform a jumping jack
Slumped over when sitting, difficulty sitting in chair
Widespread pain or general pain
Specific joint pain
Limping consistently
Generally clumsy/uncoordinated
Falling or getting hurt more often than peers
Loss of skills previously gained